The Oddity of Death



We face death everyday

But life has been winning

And yet we never seem to remember

That life is very close to death

And life could very easily give way to its kin

The message is always lost

Amidst the buzz and business of each day

But then one day like thunder strikes

The life of a known person surrenders to death

Or we have a near exchange of life with death

That’s when we remember

That we do face death each day

So what then are we to do?

Sit and wait for blue moon thunder?

Or let near-misses of life and death

Remind us of this oddity?

Life is kin to death

It only wins but for a while

And then death must take over

Tis an oddity when it happens

But yet,in life its commonplace…

Today’s poem is dedicated to all those affected by the Boston Marathon bombings today.You are in our prayers.

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